Monday, September 6, 2010

Zachary gets his Bobcat for Cub Scouts

Zachary received his first advancement in Cub Scouts...Bobcat

While doing the Cub Scout pledge he tries very hard to position his fingers. To get his Bobcat he has worked on the pledge and learning what an Akela is; a leader/someone in authority.
When he is given his Bobcat pin Dad turned him upside down. Zachary got a big kick out of that.

Another boy received his arrow of light and Zachary got to help with that presentation by representing the Bobcat.

After the meeting part was over it was time for some fun on the slip n slide. The kids all had a blast playing in the water. It was a great family day.
Max had fun. He can't wait until next year when it's his turn to join Cub Scouts.