Friday, October 15, 2010

Another School Year Begins!

It's a new school year. Ryanne is in 5th grade, Zachary 3rd, Maxwell 2nd and Michael in preschool. They were so excited to get back to school and be with friends and their new teachers.

Michael didn't start school until that Thursday. He didn't want to go into class. I finally had him hyped up to go and excited, then he fell and scraped up his knee. So he didn't want to go anymore. He was so sad and cried when I left him. He did great though. He loved it. Now he looks forward to going every day and comes home singing new songs and singing the alphabet, counting and saying his colors. Things that I tried to work on with him but he didn't want anything to do with. He is amazing.

Maxwell.....well.....I have to say how horrible that I don't have a better picture of him. I can't even think of why not. He is doing so amazing. Last year he struggled so hard with his work and behavior. This year he is starting off strong and loving it. As a matter of fact for fall break he told me he was sad to be home. He wanted to go back to school because he loves learning. Yeah!!!! And his hard work is paying off, his grades are really great. Wea re so proud of him. Good grades this year mean swim team in the summer.

Ryanne started 5th grade and can't seem to wait for junior high. I can! She is doing amazing. She is dong amazing. Her hard work is already showing off with straight A's. We are so proud of her.

Zach is doing great. He loves school and his behavior is so much better. He is reading and doing great in math. My favorite thing is to have him read to me. I love hearing him sound out his words.


  1. I am an "OLD" blogstalker Kristina, and I love
    reading about your fam. You have the cutest kids ever! Thanks for sharing,
    Love you,
    Lisa Redhouse

  2. your kids are so cute! I miss them! I can't believe Ryanne is in 5th grade!!! that seems so weird!!

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