Ryanne Madison Garn turns 11 today.

Wow is all I can say. I knew the day would come that she would be older and not play with dolls anymore, I just wasn't prepared for my little girl to be not so little. Ryanne is an amazing young girl. I thank God everyday for her in our lives. How did I get so blessed. Last night she was bouncing off the walls because today was her birthday. This morning at 12:48 am she tells me she is now 11. At least i was already up with her brother who had a bad dream. It was so fun to see her excitement, she was dressed and ready to go before 6am. I thought I would add a picture for each year. What a beautiful little lady.

When Ryanne was born the Doctor wanted to induce my labor. So since I was ready we went ahead and did it. I did have a choice in check in times so I choose to check in on Feb 29. I didn't want a leap year baby. Her labor was pretty uneventful. Just long and long. At around 10:30 at night on March 1st she came into the world with her daddy's hands. What an amazing experience.

1 year - A ball of fire who loved to play and get into everything.

2 years - Loved dolls and dress up shoes

3 years - Had 2 brothers and survived.

4 years old - Loved dress up and playing with her best buddy Brittney.

5 years old - School time. Started kinder and just really excelled.

6 years old - Brother #3 came along and she survived yet another boy in the house. Even though she really wanted a sister she was so happy and always held him when she was home.

7 years old - Last year of dolls.

8 years old - Ryanne was baptized. What a spiritual day. She was so happy with her decision.

9 years old - The time of High School Musical and Hannah Montana.

10 years old - She has so many things she loves to do. Swimming, playing, piano, cello, and friends. Just to name a few. Ryanne you are such an amazing daughter and we love you with all our hearts.
Now we just need to take a picture on her first official day as an 11 year old. I love you Ryanne.